Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Cracking Cpanels without Symlink

assalamualaikum.. madcode haxor here
In previous tutorial we hacked cpanels after symlinking server
but in this article i will tell you how you can  hack cpanels  without cpanel
i.e bruteforcing ... for that you need all usernames of server and a password list
if you have uploaded shell on website you can simply execute this command

ls /usr/mail

but if you have a LFI vulnerability, You can get all usernames without shell too
You can extract usernames from /etc/passwd too
i will be extracting them from /etc/passwd using grep
then will crack it with turbo cracker..a php script

here is video tutorial 

Cara Menambahkan Widget Disamping Header

Cara menambah widget disamping header. Widget yang terletak tepat disamping kanan header, sehingga header menjadi 2 bagian. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan lihat, Contoh Gambar dibawah ini:
cara menambahkan widget disamping header

Seperti gambar diatas, ada 2 widget. 1 widget header yang bertuliskan judul blog, dan yang kedua widget kosong, yang bisa kita isi dengan gadget apa saja. Widget Header akan di perkecil lebarnya, agar widget buatan dapat ditempatkan disampingnya, dengan ukuran yang disesuaikan dengan lebar halaman blog. Header yang awalnya hanya ada 1 widget, dibuat menjadi 2 bagian, header kiri dan kanan. Untuk lebih jelasnya, Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.

Cara menambah widget disamping header.

  1. Login ke blogger. Dari halaman dasbord pilih pengaturan Template.
  2. Selanjutynya Klik edit HTML, dan cari kode .header-outer { . Kode lengkapnya.
  3. .header-outer {
      background: $(header.background.color) $(header.background.gradient) repeat-x scroll 0 -400px;
      _background-image: none;
  4. Ganti semua kode diatas dengan kode dibawah ini.
  5. .header-outer {
    background: $(header.background.color) $(header.background.gradient) repeat-x scroll 0 -400px;_background-image: none;min-height: 104px;}
    #header {
    width: 40%;
    margin-right: 10px;float: left; }
    #headerkanan {
    float: right;
    width: 54%;
    margin: 20px 10px 5px 10px;
    padding: 2px;}
    #headerkanan .widget {margin: 3px;}
  6. Keterangan: 
  7. .header-outer { pada bagian height: 104px(untuk mengatur tinggi  header).
     #header { pada bagian width: 40%; lebar header kiri.
    #headerkanan { pada bagian width: 54%; lebar header kanan. dan margin: 20px 10px 5px 10px; posisi atas-bawah header kanan.
  8. Selanjutnya. Cari kode <div class='region-inner header-inner'> dan tambahkan kode berikut disamping kanannya.
  9. <b:section class='headerkanan' id='headerkanan' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='yes'></b:section>
  10. Keseluruhan kode menjadi.
  11. <div class='region-inner header-inner'><b:section class='headerkanan' id='headerkanan' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='yes'></b:section>
  12. Selanjutnya Save template. Selesai. 
Dengan menambahakan widget disamping header, kita dapat menghemat penggunaan halaman blog dan juga bisa membuat tampilan blog semakin menarik. Widget disamping header bisa kita tambahkan dengan Tombol Share, iklan, tombol search atau widget yang lainnya sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan. Semoga Bermanfaat.

    SymLinking and cpanel cracking

    asslamualaikum.. madcode here
    in this video i will tell you how to symlink a website
    symlinking is a proper linux function... we will use it to get the configuration files of other websites on the server..
    so all we need to do is 
    shell a website 
    and then upload  symlink script on it :)
    and 2nd part is on cracking Cpanels

    here is video demonstration

    download files from

    Basic SQL injection

    Assalamualaikum .. madcode haxor here
    in this tutorial i will show you basics of SQL injection
    To learn SQL Injection
    see this video demonstration

    Turn Your laptop in Virtual wifi hotspot

    Assalamualaikum madcode here
    in this tutorial i will show you how to turn your laptop into a wifi hotspot
    well this is pretty easy
    all you need to do, is to follow my steps in this video --> 

    Open Youtube without any proxy

    madcode here
    as you all knows.. Youtube is blocked in pakistan and some other countries..
    but it is the biggest source for entertainment and knowledge . You can open youtube by using proxies hotspot shield , vpn's etc... but in this article i will tell you that how you can open youtube without any proxy 
    so here is a video demonstration

    good luck

    Register IDM without any patch or crack

    madcode here
    in this tutorial , I will tell you how you can register idm without any crack or patch
    lets begin
    first of all� if u have any antivirus, deactivate it because we are going to edit c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file
    right click on it and select security tab
    now press edit button and in users option .. select full control option and save it
    now double click on hosts file , it will ask how to open file? use notepad to open it
    now paste these links in hosts file and save it
    now open idm > registration >
    first name = madcode
    last name = haxor
    email =
    serial = GZLJY-X50S3-0S20D-NFRF9
    enjoy ;)
    here is the video demonstration