Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Installing Joomla on localhost

assalamualaikum..madcode haxor here
in this article i will tell you that how you can install joomla cms on your localhost
things you required
1- Apache server (xampp or wampp)
2- Joomla Cms (download from official website)

lets get started..install xampp in your computer
now you can see
C:\xampp folder in your C driver
paste your joomlacms that is zipped when downloaded...and extract it in
C:\xampp\htdocs folder
oka..after extracting rename the joomlazipped extracted folder to joomla or whatever that you can remembers
oka now open your browser
and type localhost or
you can see xampp default page there..
goto phpmyadmin by
when its open...create database name as 'joomla'
and save it
now open localhost/joomla  (note: joomla is the name of folder that you copied in xampp/htdocs/)
you will see installation wizard
follow the wizard and press next
when it ask for database name .. type joomla (that we created in phpmyadmin)
username = root
and leave password field empty

now press next ,... it will ask for  site basic info , like site name , admin password etc, type whatever you want...and  then finaly its done.... now it requried you to delete
xampp/htdocs/joomla/installation directory..
when you delete installation .. you can view your new joomla cms as
and for admin panel.. type
and give admin username/password and then you can confgure site for you :)
thats all.. here is the video demonstration

Hacking Gmail accounts

madcode haxor here
in this video i will be covering on hacking Gmail accounts
we will be brute forcing them.. tools we will be using --> Hydra

so lets get started
all you a password list and email account of victim
Hydra may be available to windows too
but im using Backtrack 
so for backtrack
open a temrinal and type

hydra  -l -P passwordlist-path  -e ns -V -s 465 smtp

and press enter
we use small 'l' because we are using single login and capital P beacuse we are providing multiple passwords ... and smtp use 465 port thats why we use it :)

here is a video damo too

feel free to ask if you need any helo
madcode haxor .py

Tutorial Menyembunyikan Admin Login di WordPress

Selamat sore sobat IDCA ^_^

Kabar gembira nih bagi pengguna CMS WordPress, aku ada sedikit trik nih agar website anda sedikit lebih aman, biar tidak di deface gitu :D


Biasanya kalo CMS WordPress kan login adminnya di "localhost/wp-login.php: nah di trik ini ane mau bahas gimana cara gantinya :D biar para hekel-hekel bingung nemuin admin login site anda :D


1. Masuk ke Cpanel website sobat
2. Lalu masuk ke "File Manager" di Cpanel sobat.
3. Setelah itu rename file "wp-login.php" menjadi alamat login baru sobat, misalkan menjadi "idca.php" (* EKSTENSI WAJIB .php )
4. Setelah selesai, buka file "idca.php" lalu ganti semua tulisan "wp-login" menjadi "idca" setelah selesai diganti semua klik SAVE
5. Selanjutnya buka folder "wp-includes" dan cari file "general-template.php" lalu buka file general-template.php lalu renam kata "wp-login" menjadi "idca", jika sudah klik save.

Sampe step ini website anda juga belum aman sob, dikarenakan jika kita mengakses "localhost/wp-admin" kita langsung di lempar ke halaman loginnya, nah jadi gimana cara mengatasinya ? lanjut !!!!

1. Buat file berektensi .php di public_html terserah namanya apa sebagai contoh :: garuda.php
2. Lalu file garuda.php itu saya isi kata "Are you fucking kidding me ? your IP has been Recode hacker ^_^"
3. Setelah itu buka kembali folder wp-includes lalu buka file general-template.php, lalu cari kata ini :
function wp_login_url
nanti kalian akan menemukan tulisan seperti ini ::
function wp_login_url($redirect = � �, $force_reauth = false) {
$login_url = site_url(�idca.php�, �login�); 
4. Ganti tulisan berwarna biru "idca.php" menjadi "garuda.php" kemudian save :D

Dan sekarang coba sobat cek alamat login sobat apa sudah terganti atau belum, jangan lupa cek localhost/wp-admin lihat apa yang keluar ^_^

Demikian tutorial yang bisa saya sampaikan, semoga berguna :))

Thanks to : Madura-Cyber

Content Creator : Bimo Septiawan

Sumber : Madura-Cyber